Covid 19 Vaccine Online Self Registration for All Indians Aged Above 18 Online Form

4 years ago

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Covid 19 Vaccine Online Self Registration, Covid vaccine registration online, vaccine registration india, Covid Vaccine Registration app, co-win gov in registration app

The Government of India has announced phase 3 of the Covid-19 vaccination drive in the country amidst the steep spike in COVID-19 cases at alarming speed. All citizens aged above 18 will be eligible for vaccination starting May 1.  Co-WIN is a platform for the citizens of India to Register for COVID-19 vaccination and schedule their vaccination slots at the nearest vaccination centers.

Covid-19 Vaccination Self registration

Note:  Register online through Co-WIN OR Aarogya Setu OR UMANG platform for covid-19 vaccine for all drive.

How to Do Citizen Self registration for Covid-19 Vaccination?

  • User can go to the url and click on “Register/Sign In yourself” tab.
  • Enter valid mobile number and Click on “Get OTP” button.
  • OTP is sent at the phone number via SMS.
  • Enter the OTP within 180 seconds and click on “Verify” button.
  • Once the OTP is validated, the “Register for Vaccination” page appears.
  • Enter details required in page.
  • The below table shows the details to be entered in the “Register for Vaccination” page.
    • Photo ID Proof- Citizen must carry selected ID at the time of vaccination.
    • Photo ID Number Citizen to enter ID number
    • Name Enter the name as per the selected ID proof
    • Year of Birth Enter the year of birth as per the ID Proof in the format YYYY
    • Gender Select (Male/ Female/ Others)
  • Please note that all fields in this Form are Mandatory Citizen must carry selected ID at the time of vaccination. Receives Confirmation message on successful registration
  • Once registration is completed; the system will show the “Account Details”
  • Citizen can further add 3 more people linked with this mobile number by clicking on “Add More” button at the bottom right side of the Page

How to BookAppointment for Covid-19 Vaccination?

  • Click on “Schedule” button for Booking Vaccination Appointment.
  • System navigates to “Book Appointment for Vaccination” page.
  • Search the Vaccination Centre of choice by District or Pin code.
  • On clicking “Search” button, system will display below the list of Vaccination centre as per Search Criteria and based on State’s Age policy.
  • Centre Names available nearby as per state/district or pincode entered will be displayed.
  • On clicking any centre at the panel, the available slots (date and capacity) will be displayed
  • Once “Book” button is clicked, the “Appointment Confirmation” page is displayed.
  • Click “Confirm” button after verifying the details for final confirmation on booking
  • Once confirmed, the confirmation page with “Appointment Successful” message will be displayed

Process for registration through Aarogya Setu app 

Download Aarogya setu app

  1. Head to the Aarogya Setu app > Click on CoWIN tab on the home screen
  2. Select Vaccination Registration > Enter Phone Number > Enter OTP
  3. Click on Verify > You will be directed to the Registration of Vaccination page
  4. Follow the same steps as mentioned in the ‘Process for registration through CoWIN portal' guide.
Each citizen has to take two shots of the vaccine. The CoWIN portal says that the second dose of Covaxin should be taken between 28 days to 42 days after the first dose. The second dose of Covishield should be taken between 28 days to 56 days after the first dose. 

How to download Covid-19 Vaccine Certificate Online using Aarogya Setu App: Step-by-step guide

  • Update the Aarogya Setu app on your phone.
  • Open the app and click on the CoWin tab.
  • Now tap on the Vaccination Certificate option
  • Then enter your beneficiary reference ID.
  • Finally, tap on the Get Certificate button.

Note: Recipient reference ID is provided at the time of vaccination registration.

  • Tap on the link you received on your number.
  • Now enter your phone number to verify once again.
  • Then tap on download to get your certificate.

Note: The certificate is very important so do not forget to download it once you get your first dose. You will also be notified about your second dose on your registered phone number.

On completion of the second dose, you will receive a message for completion of the vaccination schedule. The message will include a link to download a digital certificate of vaccination.

The certificate will contain the name, date of birth, beneficiary reference ID, photo, vaccine name, hospital name, date, and other details.

How to avail this offer?

What to do for getting  Covid-19 vaccination?

  • Register and schedule your vaccination in advance Register online through Co-WIN OR Aarogya Setu OR UMANG platform
  • Register against only one phone number and one proof of ID Carry ID proof when you go for vaccination
  • Carry as ID proof the same ID document used for registration
  • Search for nearest vaccination centre online from Co-WIN OR Aarogya Setu or Umang and select centre convenient for vaccination
  • To receive Health ID as part of registration for vaccination, give your consent
  • Reach Vaccination Centre on the specified date and time Wait for 30 minutes at the vaccination centre after vaccination
  • Inform vaccination centre if any side effect(s) is experienced within 30 minutes
  • Inform Helpline Number: +91-11-23978046 (Toll free- 1075) in case of any side effect after leaving vaccination centre
  • Continue precautions of social distancing and wearing masks
